2012 – News

1 Jan


31.12.2012 : Of Karma, Friendschip And Christmas Spirit In Guangzhou :


26.12.2012 : back In Hong Kong – Last Days With Min Ron Nee :


22.12.2012 : Hong Kong Min Ron Nee Visit – Jetlag And First Pictures :


21.12.2012 : Hong Kong Day Three :


20.12.2012 : Greeting from The Fragrant Harbour – Hong Kong :


18.12.2012 : Cuban Gallery Two :


18.12.2012 : Cuban Gallery One :


17.12.2012 : Zoe Nocedo – Museo Del Tabaco In Havana :


17.12.2012 : Visiting El Laguito :


16.12.2012 : Hamburg Lords Of Smoke In Havana :


16.12.2012 : The Canadians In Havana :


16.12.2012 : Rob Ayala And The Australians in Havana :


15.12.2012 : Quiet First weeks In Cuba :


14.12.2012 : Havana – Picture Gallery By Ingo :


14.12.2012 : Gourmet Dining In Havana – Lazaro “Lachi” :


13.12.2012 : ANS 12-12-12 :


12.12.2012 : Havana – A Picture Gallery by Tony Di Lorenzo :


11.12.2012 : A great pleasure to see this artist & friend again :


09.12.2012 : Back again to Cayo Jutias & Hector Luis Prieto with Rob Ayala & friends :



08.12.2012 : Detoxing the Village way :


In Italy :


And a picture gallery I particularly like :


05.12.2012 : Cuban Anecdotes Part One :


And Anecdote Two :


03.12.2012 : Two new reports : The launching of the Cohiba Piramide Extra :


And : The Making of a Jar :


02.12.2012 : The Abel Esposito arrest and other insights :


01.12.2012 : Smoking a cigar with an iconic Cuban revolution commander :


and visiting Cayo Jutias and Hector Luis Prieto with Toby and friends :


25.10.2012 : I posted several reports from HAV/Cuba but was not able to upload pictures – all those posts were re-posted with pictures and updated after my return starting in December.


23.10.2012 :Another Monday – just not a “Whisky” Monday – but a “Brandy “Monday – see : http://flyingcigar.de/startseite/monday-torres-tabacalera-trinis/

21.10.2012 : Tonight’s pharmacy cigar meeting  – “ANS – Pumpkin, Prawns & Marille”.

20.10.2012 : Another 2 posts today – “La Corona Policromia by  JJ Fox” and “Monday & Singapore Cigars”.  And I smoked a Canonazo watching the “fire brigade train on their ladders”

19.10.2012 : Blog has been “officially” re-launched. And after being busy editing, tagging & training, I’ve posted “ANS, Gulasch & Canada ER” plus “Cigars with Dieter – Chris in Frankfurt & ANS”

16.10.2012 : Another ton of pictures have been upload – this time cigar pictures in a gallery – Picture Gallery Cigars.

10.10.2012 : Playing around and sending up a ton of pictures to a “Cuba Travel 2005 Picture Gallery” – would have been a day job, done in 20 minutes !!

10.10.2012 : The new site has been re-launched and works smoothly …

19.09.2012 : Saturday it was Ducks & Cigars – Monday it was Whisky & Cigars : “Ducks And Whisky”

14.09.2012 : We welcomed “Another Yank In The Lab” at our latest pharmacy cigar meeting ….

12.09.2012 :
It has by now become a tradition : “Another Monday, Another Whiskey” – Cheers !

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Monday Office Cigars & Whiskey

11.09.2012 :
Sunny Saturday at the Golf course : “Suckling Pig & Cigars”

08.09.2012 :
Summer’s been nice : “Office And Other Summer Cigars”

27.08.2012 :
Here’s “The View From Outside” on our annual cigar meeting.

24.08.2012 :
Picking up Inge’s new set of wheels in Berlin : “Planes, Trains And Finally An Automobile”

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Inge’s new set of wheels – Majestic

21.08.2012 :
Review of a “1930’s SOL Aromosos Imperiales” courtesy of Min Ron Nee.

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Tasting the 1930’s SOL Aromosos Imperiales
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1930’s SOL Aromosos Imperiales

21.08.2012 :
Day Three of our week-end : “The Big ANS week-end : Day Three”

20.08.2012 :
The second day of our week-end : “The Big ANS week-end : Day Two”

20.08.2012 :
Three days of Friends, Cigars, Food and Wine – words cannot describe the fun we had, so here are pictures : “The Big ANS week-end : Day One”

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Schloss Vollrads
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Some of us in front of the pharmacy

29.07.2012 :
Smoking my way through a selection of today’s best Cuban rollers courtesy of “Reid’s Custom Rolled Habanos” Thank You, Reid !

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Text unter Bild

26.07.2012 :
Not a nice ending, but sure a great day : “ANS Test Drive, Fresh Mint, China ER”.

25.07.2012 :
Another piece of porcelain for my office “Montecristo Edmundo 375 Aniversario Estanco Jar”Gracias Adrian !

24.07.2012 :
Received the jar in January, wrote a report in February and left for Cuba forgetting to post it – here it is “Bolivar Distinguidos ER China”

16.07.2012 :
Boring Sunday, lousy weather, good idea : “Mint Julep SIS” – Cheers !

15.07.2012 :
From my friend Nic Wing “The London Cigar Guide App” – Useful !!

12.07.2012 :
Limitless German Debauchery … “ANS Reiner’s Kesselgulasch” – Bon appetit !

04.07.2012 :
Back on the road again to “Cologne – Half Day Pleasures” with Frank …

04.07.2012 :
A few days in Switzerland : “Legends & Mountains – Portmann & Friends” – Danke Urs & Marlene !!

01.07.2012 :
After returning from a fantastic trip to Switzerland : “Montecristo Millennium Jar Robusto”

25.06.2012 :
A fine culinary trip to northern Italy : “La Dolce Vita In Padova” – Grazie Renzo !!

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Relaxing in Padova

24.06.2012 :
Watching Germany vs Greece and smoking a “Ramon Allones Phoenicia 32”

19.06.2012 :
Again a great cigar : “Disappointing Match – Excellent Punch ER Suiza”

16.06.2012 :
Long time no cigar tasting .. Here’s the perfect cigar “Custom Rolled Taboada Corona” for a lazy Saturday afternoon …

14.06.2012 :
Yesterday we enjoyed “Football, Drinks And Cigars” in the pharmacy.

10.06.2012 :
Finally home in my office : “The Partagas jar has arrived”

01.06.2012 :
Yesterday was Intern. Non-Smoking Day – Here’s our contributing cigars “ANS Intern. Non-Smoking Day”

01.06.2012 :
The best “Estanco” in Palma – still going strong : “Estanco Borne – Palma de Mallorca”

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Estanco Borne – With Miguel Roig

30.05.2012 :
Back in Mallorca after several years for Inge’s Birthday “Mallorca Re-Visited” .

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Happy Birthday Inge !
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Bahia de Alcudia – Mallorca

23.04.2012 :
Wie aus einem Sonntag-Abend ein “ANS-Schlemmerabend-Angela-BBQ” wird …

21.04.2012 :
Didier was back in the village “CCC Meets Nicarao Cigars In Wiesbaden” – the most passionate cigarmaker …

18.04.2012 :
The last of my Cuba reports – “Caleta Buena and Swamp Charcoal” – paradise next to misery …

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Caleta Buena
cuba 2012 caleta buena 0412 02
Charcoal making in the swamps

18.04.2012 :
Part Three of Bay of Pigs : “Guama Taino Indian Village and Crocodiles”

17.04.2012 :
Part Two of Playa Larga/Australia and old railways “Playa Larga/Australia Part Two” – plus the “Blue Monster” …

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The Blue Monster

16.04.2012 :
It gets real Cuban now – the first part of the last 4 reports on my trip south of Havana to enjoy “Quiet Days in Playa Larga/Bay of Pigs- Part One” – Cuban lifestyle by the sea.

14.04.2012 :
Visiting the “holy grail” of Cuban cigars in Havana : “El Laguito Visits”.

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El Laguito

13.04.2012 :
The second edition of a classic match in baseball “The Cigar Bowl II in Havana” – What a great and fun day !!

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Cigar Bowl II, Havana, Cuba

11.04.2012 :
Another highlight of the Cuba trip : “The Remy Martin Louis XIII Tasting in Havana” – a glorious evening of an unforgettable Cognac and a great cigar !

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Louis XIII & BHK 56

11.04.2012 :
And the winner is … “Jimmy’s Humidor” – the auction at the Habana Libre Hotel of a great Cohiba piece of art.

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Jimmy’s Humidor by Raul Valladares

06.04.2012 :
Continuing with the Cuba reports : “Cigars with the Portmann Group” – I was back in the fold of this group of friends, both for the Tastings, the friendship and the traditional “Portmann Dinner in Havana” – Enjoy

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Mr Urs Portmann

04.04.2012 : A surprise package arrived from Vienna today “1930’s SOL Aromosos Imperiales” courtesy of Min Ron Nee via fellow blogger Robert “Montehiba”Thank You !!


sol aromosos imperiales 0412 02
Life is good indeed !

03.04.2012 : I am back home and my Partagas Jar is in Havana ….. good excuse to return :-))

San Ramon Producciones 141
My jar

02.04.2012 : OK, after April Fools Day it’s back to the serious stuff – Cuba ! Here’s a new report on a very fine tasting, privately organized and sponsored, ” Fox Bros 1972 Partagas 109 Tasting” that was held in Havana at my fav place, La Moraleja with a bunch of good friends – Enjoy !

cuba fox bros tasting 0412 01
1972 Partagas 109 / Seleccion Fox Nr 1

01.04.2012 : Two new and very interesting posts : A very exclusive new release out of Cuba ” El Tejano Toro Exclusivo” to honour 100 years of an important landfall and, for the pharmacy cigar meeting members : a very exclusive trip planned for 2013
” ANS – Die Kuba Reise 2013″ – register and be part of an unforgettable trip ….

el tejano
El Tejano – Exclusive new release
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The Cuba Trip – Exclusive cigars

30.03.2012 : Our “Pharmacy Cigar Meetings in March” – good food and good cigas as always …

27.03.2012 : Continuing the Cuba reports – here’s a very nice “Casa Particular Emilio in Old Havana” which I found quite tasteful and interesting.

25.03.2012 : Haven’t been too busy on the Cuba reports – here’s the reason why : “Goals, Steaks And Cigars – A Perfect Saturday”. More Havana reports will follow.

19.03.2012 : First report on my trip – a tribute to “Renzo, Pasta And Tarara Beach” – Grazie Renzo !

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Assisting Renzo, the passionate Italian chef, in Havana

18.03.2012 : Second Part of the picture gallery : “Cuba 2012 – Introduction Gallery – Part Two”

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Text unter Bild

17.03.2012 : Back from another highly interesting trip to Cuba – I thoroughly enjoyed it : “Cuba 2012 – Introduction Gallery – Part One ” – a first selection of pictures.

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Cuba 2012 – Cigars, Rum, more cigars, more rum and …. beach !

15.02.2012 : I’ve had enough of the freezin weather – “I am off to Cuba … again”

14.02.2012 : Two dinners with our friend Thorsten “Yeti Meets Nicarao – Dinners with Thorsten”.

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Yeti smokes Nicarao

12.02.2012 : Looks like Fools Day arrived early in Cuba this year : ” Early Fools Day or Official Confusion” – a good laugh ..

07.02.2012 : Great to have a chef grant us entry into the kitchen : “Chef Herve’s Cooking Class And Dinner” – Bon apetit !

01.02.2012 : Meetings friends and visiting Peter Heinrich’s Casa del Habano : “Cigars In Cologne”

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Happy at Heinrich’s in Cologne

01.02.2012 : Two cooks prepared a private for us : “Cook’s Dinner” – Bon appetit !

29.01.2012 : A good reason to return to Havana next month : “Partagas Replica Jar”

23.01.2012 : Sunday’s pharmacy cigar meeting – “Big Pizza, Small Sticks and a new Lady in the house” – Life is good !

11.01.2012 : Monday’s Pharmacy cigar meeting was full of “Pizza, Pastrami, Booze and Cigars” – so what else is new … :-))

10.01.2012 : Here’s how we have been celebrating “Into The New Year 2012” so far – having Frank from Belgium here for cigars and all the fireworks …

01.01.2012 : A very Happy New Year !!

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Silvester / New Year’s Eve 2011
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Silvester / New Year’s Eve 2011


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