2012/03 – Pharmacy Smokes March 2012

30 Mar


ans march 2012 0312 01
A wheel of Pizza
ans march 2012 0312 02
Herring plates

March 2012

Right after my return from Cuba, the next day actually, it was off to the pharmacy for a cigar meeting once again – it was like I never was off to the island, no time to sleep off the jet-lag.

The usual suspects all were present and once again Vito prepared a giant and tasty Pizza.

And there was another pharmacy cigar meeting once again late March where fresh herring from Holland was prepared in different ways by Josef, our resident Dutch cook.

A bottle of “Hail and Thunder” Anis brandy from the Netherlands was also offered, a bit too sweet for the natural taste of the young Matjes which we washed down with beer.


ans march 2012 0312 03
Back from Cuba
ans march 2012 0312 04
Worthless cookies
ans march 2012 0312 05
New releases for Andreas
ans march 2012 0312 06
ans march 2012 0312 07
Squeezed Beauty


ans march 2012 0312 08
ans march 2012 0312 09
More Matjes
ans march 2012 0312 10
ans march 2012 0312 11
Hail & Thunder
ans march 2012 0312 12
Grabbing the grub


Copyright Nino

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