ANS – 08.10.2012 Gulasch & Canada ER

19 Oct

Ok, here we go posting posts and getting an idea of how all this WordPress format works …

Have been quite busy with the migration of the site and editing and tagging all 700 plus posts, a job which is still not completed to post anything new, but I’m finally finding the time to post again and train a bit before I leave for Havana in a week’s time.

Who knows, I might be firm enough to upload some text and pictures from there …

Here are some pictures of our Pharmacy Cigar meeting earlier this month.

Josef was kind enough to provide a tasty Chile con carne ( which I have mistakenly named a Gulasch … ) for us, and then Axel brought a very yummy meat pie.

Cigars were also first class and I shared a sneak preview of my new site on the pharmacy’s computer.




2 Responses to “ANS – 08.10.2012 Gulasch & Canada ER”

  1. Frank 19/10/2012 at 15:14 #

    Hallo Nino,

    War wieder ein toller Abend sehe ich.
    Deine neue Seite sieht toll aus.
    Bis Bald

  2. Nino Munoz 19/10/2012 at 15:20 #

    Hallo Frank,
    Danke – aber es ist auch eine tolle Arbeit bis ich das alles gelernt habe … besonders mit den Fotos :- ))))
    Tot ziens !