2012/06 – Disappointing Match – Excellent Punch ER Suiza

19 Jun

disappointing match excellent punch 0612 01
Good Choice
disappointing match excellent punch 0612 02
Picture perfect Cigar


June 2012

I’ve been watching the matches of the European Championships in my local Irish pub having fun and smoking good cigars.

After watching Poland’s defeat with a group of Polish friends, we had a BBQ before the Germany-Denmark match which was a bit better but the second half almost bored us to death.

Yesterday, after a good al fresco Pizza dinner with friends, Andreas, Klaus and I watched
the Spanish tumble to a win against the Croats and that second half also was painful to watch.

Fortunately the cigar I chose for the match was a dream, the new Punch Conde 109 ER

I can only agree with the review my friend Hans Weiss has posted on the Portmann Cigars site mentioning that this cigar will become a classic and adheres to old style Habano blending techniques.

To quote him :

Unser Urteil war einstimmig: Diese Zigarre ist eine der ganz wenigen ganz großen “Puros
Habanos” der letzten 30 Jahre
, denn sie beeindruckt durch perfekte
Rollung, perfekten Zug und ihre Einlage erinnert an die Tabakqualität der 80er

Hans writes his own review blog “La Gloria del Habano” and his comments are well respected, him being a respected German collector and long-time member of the Portmann Cuba Cigar group.

See :


Extremely tasty dry draw with honey and figs, very well constructed and absolutely creamy
and full bodied Aroma after the first draw that continued all the way, amazing.

A mouth full of good rich taste. Should be put away for some years.

Hopefully I’ll procure a few boxes during my trip to Portmann later this month.

Now it’s off to northern Italy for some good Pasta with my friend Renzo and to pick up some bundles of Habanos he has stored for me.


disappointing match excellent punch 0612 03
Watching the Poland match
disappointing match excellent punch 0612 04
Pizza in the Piazza
disappointing match excellent punch 0612 05
Spanish colours
disappointing match excellent punch 0612 06
Spanish heart
disappointing match excellent punch 0612 07
Spanish team


disappointing match excellent punch 0612 08
Andreas prediction – Right !
Copyright Nino


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