Smoking a Canonazo with the Fire Brigade ladders ..

20 Oct

SmokingĀ  a Canonazo out in the terrace before dinner while the local fire brigade was training on their ladders – glorious sky over Rheinhessen !


This is the “Tuscany” feeling we get in this wine region.


With hot air ballons still cruising overhead and beautiful, soft colouredĀ  skies and sunsets.

Life’s good …



2 Responses to “Smoking a Canonazo with the Fire Brigade ladders ..”

  1. ming 22/10/2012 at 08:44 #

    Hello,I Feel The new site up as good as the old version.

    You can add a picture comments area?

    Thank you
    best regards!

    • Nino Munoz 22/10/2012 at 10:09 #

      Ni Hao Ming,
      thank you.
