Cayo Jutias with Rob Ayala and friends

9 Dec


We left Havana early morning, but not before the Australian team stocked up on enough wine to keep us supplied for a week.

The drive was long, it took us almost 4 hrs with just a break for beer before reaching Pinar del Rio and then from there a long and winding beautiful mountain road past the mining region of Minas de Matahambre to reach the Gulf of Mexico and the small, isolated Key of Cayo Jutias.

The long ride was soon forgotten as we were welcomed with freshly prepared Mojitos by Jiromis, Noel and their wives, busy preparing the beach bbq which was to be a feast of lobster, snappers, rabbit and salads.

This trip was again arranged and organized by our friend and Cuban resident Toby Brocklehurst of Incloud9 who came along.

It was a relaxed, insightful, funny and cigar filled afternoon on the beach where all of us got to know each other and had the time to talk.

The two Rob’s went out fly-fishing while the other Rob and I walked the beach with Jose, Mojito and cigar in hand.

A great day full of camaraderie and fun.

We left for Vinales before it got dark and continued the party there.



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