Tag Archives: Wörrstadt

The Big ANS 2016 – Day Three

17 Aug

Not much to be told about the last day, Sunday. We arrived at the Mommenheim golf course early and enjoyed a great and long brunch on a once again very hot and sunny day overlooking the fairways. Cigars were again fantastic but the most fantastic and important thing was that Thomas was able to go Read more…

The Dutch Pharmacy Cigar Night

15 May

If the pharmacy cigar evening falls on a Friday  night we get many friends over to celebrate and share with us. This time we had Jan and Thomas from the Netherlands over and it was a blast. They arrived early enough at noon so we had a long and good lunch at Cafe Fritz ( Read more…

ANS – The Pharmacy Cigar Ritual Every 13 Days

4 Apr

I have stopped posting about this “natural” and ritual cigar evening session at the local village pharmacy every 13 days. It is repetitive …. in a good way 🙂 What can I say – it’s 500 yards from me, I attend it and it is always the same …  Good friends, good cigars, good drinks Read more…

Wine, Burgers And Cigars – A Tour Of Central Germany With Cpt. Keith

14 Mar

It was a continuation of Havana on a small scale. A more intimate scale but with almost as many cigars to smoke and interesting places to see as in Havana. I had met Keith just a short while ago in Havana and shared cigars, places and friends with him, and then he pops up flying Read more…

The Yearly VW Bus Madness – A Week-End Cigar Extravaganza

6 Oct

The yearly madness is a one week-end yearly holiday ritual for Jos driving the vintage VW bus and having a good time with Frank and me. The bus arrived in front of my village Café with 4 hrs of driving already on them from Belgium. We had a bite to eat, a coffee and a Read more…

The Big Pharmacy Cigar Week-End 2015

17 Aug

It’s summer, it’s August and Andreas has pharmacy night duty on a Friday …. that is the simple recipe for a great cigar week-end with friends arriving from all over to gather in the lab, the garden, the pub and enjoy the camaraderie and the sharing of fun, conversations and great cigars. First to arrive Read more…

Rahim’s European Tour – The Pharmacy Pit Stop

21 Jul

It’s not much that I post on our pharmacy cigar meetings anymore, they are a well-known regular event and except for maybe the big summer meeting not worth mentioning. It’s only when a special person arrives to smoke with us that we realize what a special cigar gathering we have in the village. Rahim from Read more…