Tag Archives: Frank

2021- October – Our Annual Portmann Cigars Visit

12 Oct

It is a ritual by now that Frank, Jos and I take a yearly trip down to Switzerland to visit our good friend Mr Portmann. Last year was the only exception due to the freaking pandemic. We used to drive in Jos’ old VW Bus, but that bus has been retired by now … so Read more…

From Big To Small – The Annual Pharmacy Cigar Reunion 2021

9 Aug

Well at least we had Andreas the pharmacist join us for a cigar albeit not in the pharmacy … Where normally 50-60 friends would have gathered for the annual cigar weekend we were just 4 to 8 like last year, fuck Corona. John arrived from Scotland on Thursday and we had some fantastic Farm rolled Read more…

2021 June – Cigar Dinner Aroma De Cuba Cigar Club In Gent Belgium

18 Jun

I had heard a lot about the Aroma de Cuba cigar club, after all most of my good Belgian friends are members there and we had met in Havana, Kortrijk and other places individually but I had never attended a cigar meeting with them. So when my buddy Frank told me about the first ADC Read more…

Looking for Yankee Mike – A retired Lufthansa B-747-200

28 Sep

In normal times this would have been a weekend trip to Switzerland to visit Portmann cigars – the usual VW annual vacation bus trip… In normal times – nowadays it is hard to predict what is normal and where you can travel. Switzerland won’t let Belgians in without a 14 day Quarantine, so it made Read more…

Smoking In The New Normal – ANS – Pharmacy Herf August 2020

10 Aug

I hadn’t been to Frankfurt airport since last November, so picking up John there was a shock, a kick in the gut. The terminal was empty and resembled more of a ghost town than what I had in mind – one of Europe’s busiest airports… It was sad to see and would have added more Read more…

Happy Days With Niki – Leuven With Frank

26 Sep

Niki had asked me what he and his friends should see and do in Brussels – I told him very honestly : Get out of there, Belgium has nicer cities than that … 🙂 So on the day before their departure back to Taiwan, after visiting Ghent and Bruges they took the train from Brussels Read more…

Havana  March 2019  – 2 Weeks And Half A Mosquito – By John Bongo

31 Mar

Having had 2 very busy trips to Cuba previously, this time we decided to see if it was possible to have a totally chilled, relaxing time in Havana for a change. The fantastic Casa we were staying in was the perfect haven in which to put our feet up and enjoy the Cuban sunshine. With Read more…