Tag Archives: Bangkok

Bangkok – Blue Elephant Thai Cooking Class

27 Jan

  Riding high on the BTS or Skytrain public transportation system in Bangkok has its advantages. You can see the urban sprawl, the nice houses hidden behind high walls, the corners in this concrete jungle where people congregate and little gems hidden from street level view, like the 116 year old Blue Elephant Restaurant and Read more…

Bangkok – Impressions

27 Jan

  Some impressions of Bangkok. A city that, while being crazy and modern still preserves nice corners amid the urban sprawl, the concrete jungle and the crazy traffic. Not a city I could live in and certainly not a city for seekers of peace and quiet. But an exciting metropolis. Nino    

Thailand – Cigars, Scooters, Bumps And Hospitals

25 Jan

  Cigars can be dangerous to your health alright – specially when you ride on a scooter and try not to fall from it. I was the one to count my blessings on the coastal road here in Pak Nam Pram and ended up at the Royal Thai Army Infantry Hospital in Pranburi. Rented a Read more…

Bangkok – Short Culinary River Boat Trip To China

16 Jan

  Staying right next to the Chao Praya river we are almost across from a restaurant we visited and enjoyed first almost 15 years ago. A quiet and elegant terrace next and below Thaksin bridge with almost exclusively local Chinese-Thai patrons and good cuisine. So we decided we had to go back to the Red Read more…

Bangkok – Grandma Khuan’s Dirty Spoon

12 Jan

  Arrived to a hazy sunny Bangkok and were welcomed by a grinning Adison holding a big sign to greet us. Nice ! Off to one of the best residences by the Chao Praya river, The Chatrium, large room and a beautiful view over the river and down to the Oriental, unpacked, a shower and down to Read more…

Civilized Flying To Bangkok

12 Jan

  Admittedly, I would have preferred the B-747, but sitting in the Lufthansa A-340-600’s first class on the way to Bangkok, and sipping a glass of “D” de Devaux vintage champagne waiting for dinner to be served I reflect on how civilized travel can be if you approach it right. So, instead of driving the Read more…

2009/07 – Bangkok – Picture Gallery

19 Jul

  Bangkok July 2009 Friendly Hotel Staff at my Farewell flight Picture Gallery Hotel Pool Hotel Pool The water boat arrives On the Chao Praya On the Chao Praya – Royal Palace   On the Chao Praya – Wat Arun On the Chao Praya On the Chao Praya On the Chao Praya On the Chao Praya Read more…