Bangkok – Grandma Khuan’s Dirty Spoon

12 Jan


nfc capArrived to a hazy sunny Bangkok and were welcomed by a grinning Adison holding a big sign to greet us. Nice !

Off to one of the best residences by the Chao Praya river, The Chatrium, large room and a beautiful view over the river and down to the Oriental, unpacked, a shower and down to the pool bar to watch a gorgeous red sunset over the river while smoking a Siglo II and having a cold Singha.

We then took the boat over to the Oriental pier, the Skytrain a few stations to near Pat Pong nightmarket – yes the “pleasure street of the 60’s & 70’s, now a shadow of its former self and sat down under the concrete nightmare that is central Bangkok at Grandma Khuan’s Bee Garden – the best pavement café in Bangkok it says on the back of their shirts and I believe it might be right.

All the staff is family, so this is truly a typical family restaurant.

Fried rice with crab meat, minced meat with lemon grass and onions and chillies, sweet & sour chicken, cold Singhas and the best view over the crowd strolling up & down to Pat Pong.

But the best view is of Grandma Khuan doing what she knows best, cooking and preparing and working the Wok.

Brilliant food for little money and a premiere road-side seat to watch – what else can you ask for ?

Best antidote after the luxurious flight we had.

And, of course, we meet fellow crew-members eating there as well and exchanged on how the times have changed and why we should consider ourselves lucky to have retired on time.

Great to be back here again.

A fun Tuk Tuk ride back to the hotel, a beer, some online time and soon to bed – vacation time !


2 Responses to “Bangkok – Grandma Khuan’s Dirty Spoon”

  1. Trent0341 13/01/2013 at 18:17 #

    “A fun Tuk Tuk ride back to the hotel, a beer, some online time and soon to bed – vacation time!”

    Vacation time? I thought your entire life was a vacation Nino 😉 Enjoy the rest of your trip!

    • Nino Munoz 14/01/2013 at 10:51 #

      Thanks Steve,

      old habits die hard – so I consider this a “vacation” …