Visit To The Lung Kong Society In Havana

7 Dec


nfc capA visit to the Lung Kong society in Havana to add assistance to this charity taking care of elderly Cuban-Chinese which has by now become my Cuban-Chinese help project.

We are by now familiar and welcome faces at Lung Kong, especially with Tom dropping in during his frequent Cuba trips.

My Canadian friends had not only brought over a ton of much-needed items for Lung Kong, stuff like woks, cups, spoons, tea, medicine, spices and condiments.

During the annual Toronto Megaherf they had called for donations to two charity projects, the Nicaraguan Children’s Feeding Mission  project by Rob “Freefallguy” and the Lung Kong society helping the elderly in Havana.

A very substantial amount was donated in Toronto and was handed over by Keith and Tom to Graciela during this visit. This will considerably help the society.

My contribution was bringing over 20 lbs of genuine Cantonese foodstuffs, condiments and spices sent to me by a good Hong Kong friend and I was helped by my friend Yannick from France who very much enjoyed the visit as well.

All of these gifts and presents were distributed during a joyous meeting where most of the elderly and all the members of the charity council were present. Keith received the honorific nickname of “Buddha” while I am still known and called “Santa Claus” ….

Graciela and her staff showed us all around, progress is being made in restoring the building and hopes are that a restaurant would bring in much needed income to the society.

Incense sticks were lighted in front of the temple altar and prayers said for health and fortune.

A very emotional and satisfying visit, with all feeling that we are truly making a difference to these kind and warm-hearted people.


Credit : The first batch of pictures have been provided by my good friend John Reiner aka”Cigarsurgeon” – Thank you !!

PS : Here’s a painful video documentary on old age in Cuba by Keith on Lights, Sirens and Cigars.



2 Responses to “Visit To The Lung Kong Society In Havana”

  1. Keith 14/12/2014 at 06:53 #

    Wonderful Nino, just wonderful.

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  1. Living as the elderly in Cuba… | Lights, Sirens and Cigars - 14/12/2014

    […] up with is Nino, who invited us in with the Lung Kong visits (previously and this past trip).  Nino put up his own report on our recent Lung Kong group visit, with some great pics from fellow Canadian traveller John Reiner.  This support to Lung Kong is […]