Belgians In Havana Nr 1 – Fun And Cigars With Reza In Havana

8 Dec


nfc capI had enough fun with Reza in Dublin at the AmiCigar meeting there to last me for a while.

I thought.

We shared some great cigars but the main memory is the fun we had. He is truly a crazy, warm-hearted guy. Well, mostly.

How crazy can you be to drive over from Antwerp, picking up my buddy Frank on the way just to attend a few hours of the pharmacy cigar meeting and drive back taking the even crazier Nakamura-san with him ?

We met again in Havana this November and spent some time together again. Having his friend Aimee in Cuba for the first time didn’t deter him from having some long nights, rum and cigars with the guys. All the opposite. Belgians sure are crazy.

Not even having his body tortured by flying economy on Air Europa disturbed him – nothing a good massage by experienced hands can’t repair in Cuba, although he kept claiming he wanted to have more torture into his bones but the mattress was too soft …

We met everywhere in Havana – at the Nacional terrace, of course, at Espacios for sure, at the Cigar Sanctum party and over at my Casa where I explained to him the hidden meaning of “maƱana” …. there was no escape from this gentle bearded giant.

Should we not meet at his Casa del Habano in Antwerp soon, I am sure we will bump into each other again in Havana in February. Liver, watch out : Serious fun and hangover guaranteed.

He might not be the prettiest but is certainly one of the funniest cigar merchants to hang out with as these pictures will attest.

Thanks for the fun, Reza !!


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