Personal Message

10 Apr


nfc capI had planned to quit blogging last year when this blog marked its tenth anniversary.

What better point in time than ten years of blogging.

Alas, I kept on due to my Havana trips and the upcoming II MRN Edition … but the realization that after 10 years it has all become repetitive kept nagging me since and I have lost all interest in repetition.

Same lack of interest applies to posting on cigar boards.

Especially after being of assistance in the making of the II Edition of MRN’s bible and seeing it launched.

I am very proud of this oeuvre by my friend and a last post informing about his achievement is a highly appropriate ending.

One cannot possibly aim for more in the cigar world than a mention in the bible and I am fortunate to have a few.

So I am parking my pen for a while.

My blog will stay up as an archive with only sporadic galleries of trips, friends contributions and special events added once in a while.

Right now I am in the happy position of having 10 years worth of a fine and mostly well aged Cuban cigar collection, being happily retired and travelling to Cuba several times a year to stock up and enjoy a simpler life.

The truly interesting part of my experiences in the cigar world and the most interesting anecdotes and stories I have encountered cannot be posted publicly anyway and remain something intimately private that can only be shared with good friends over a cigar or two, so I’ll concentrate on that.

After all : Living well ( and easy ) is the best revenge …


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