Havana – Hole In The Wall 2 – Santy

20 Mar


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Now, talk about a real hole in the wall.

Compared to El Chanchullero, the first hole in the wall in old Havana, Santy’s is truly adventurous to find.

Unless you know where it is located and where to ring the bell, you will be lost in a suburb that changes from private, lush and artistic to shades of Haiti or Uganda within minutes.

The suburb is Jaimanitas, about 10 minutes drive from Miramar on Quinta Avenida.

You pass the Club Habana on the right, have a large expanse of a hidden compound on the left that is rumoured to house the Castro family, come to Calle Fuster, the Gaudi-like tile-covered buildings and streets, pass that and see a sign on a corner before passing the last bridge before Marina Hemingway. You turn right at the sign, drive up pass the Caribe cinema and turn left into a narrow lane that ends at Santy’s door. The only sign is a swordfish named Santy atop the roof.

The place is small, truly small, but has an inside private dining room.

We preferred to sit outside watching the fishing life, smelling the sea ( and the diesel from the boats ) and taking in the serenity of the place.

Seafood is the king and the only king here – specialized in Nigiri, Sashimi, Tataki and other Japanese raw and smoked specialities, Santy’s is Havana’s best place for that.

But we chose more typical dishes on our visits, like Camarones al Ajillo, Camarones al Mediterraneo, Pulpo both al Ajillo and a la Gallega, Ceviche and filet’s of Emperador.

All excellent in quality and elaboration, truly mouth-watering good and a good base for a few hours of conversation, beers, cigars and coffee/rum on the veranda.

I was fortunate to have genial Toby show me Santy’s a few years ago and have always enjoyed it’s simple atmosphere and great seafood.

Highly recommended and worth the search !

Here’s a review in Spanish with more pictures :



By reservation only

12-4 and 8-midnight

Calle 240A #3C23 e/ 3ra C y Rio

Jaimanitas, La Habana



One Response to “Havana – Hole In The Wall 2 – Santy”

  1. Dara 20/03/2014 at 11:48 #

    Places like this make me wish I wasn’t allergic to seafood!

    Doctor Cafe is another place that’s hard to find!