Goose, Planes And Cigars – Johnny D. In Frankfurt

9 Nov


nfc capThe mild & sunny weather doesn’t give you a hint, but winter approaches and with it also some German culinary traditions like eating goose on Martin’s day.

Josef, our resident Dutch cook, planned a goose dinner at the Domtal Golf course in Mommenheim for us, kindly paying special attention that I was able to attend it, as I am leaving for Havana in 3 days time.

Again we had friends from all over Germany attending the dinner, a difficult task with the roads being chocked due to the railway strike.

Ute aka Perla gave me some vintage La Corona sticks to take to Havana and smoke with Keith on the fishing boat.

I was happy to see Michel aka Johnny D. again who came up from Switzerland and brought me a Salomones rolled by Alejandro, the new roller at the Comodoro hotel in Havana – I’ve only heard good things about him.

Goose was fantastic, crisp skin, tender meat, yummy Knödel, red cabbage – hit the spot.

Jupp, Josef and Andreas were applauded for their hospitality and organizing skills and Jupp passed around a Croatian herb bitter that melted the goose fat.

I had suggested we finish the night at the Irish pub in the village and that’s where we ended up with the village youth in a still Halloween decorated locale.

I smoked an Arturo Fuente Las Vegas Lancero ( only available at A. Fuente in Las Vegas ) gifted to me earlier this year in Dublin by Vinny C. that blew my socks off – great cigar, absolutely fantastic.

Next day I picked up Michel and we drove to the Lufthansa base at the airport where I showed him around the Flight Ops centre and crew wing and where we smoked a half Corona.

Then a stroll through Frankfurt in the sun showing Michel the sights before having a solid and tasty lunch at one’s of Sachsenhausen’s best traditional eateries.

What better way to end his visit than smoking a ’98 Fundadores together in my local Cafe ….



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