Cuba 2018 – Cigars, Scissors And Horses With Our US Friends

8 Mar

It has become a tradition for Ed & Ed and Charlie and Jody to meet in Havana every February for a few days of good fun, cigars, interesting visits and interaction with our Cuban friends.

Once again they had rented a fantastic Casa particular in the same Miramar area I stay and we had memorable dinner and breakfast meetings there. Great hospitality !

This trip we were able to visit El Laguito, a most impressive first-time tour for my friends of the cigar “Vatican” and an in-depth perspective of the blending, fermenting as well as the quality control process of the famed Cohiba cigars.

Next on the agenda was a trip to the tobacco farms of the Vuelta Abajo, again a first-time experience for them.

After taking a look at the famed Hoyo de Monterrey plantation in San Juan we spent half a day visiting the farm of my friend Hector Luis Prieto, admiring the bumper harvest and getting an interesting tour of the tobacco fields, the curing barn and the rolling process by Osvaldo.

Jody made very special bonds with Hector Luis due to his love of horses being the owner of a horse ranch in Florida. An invitation was extended to Hector Luis to spend a few days at Jody’s ranch.

Back in Havana it was good dinners at La Foresta and Santy’s and good fun again.

On a more serious part, Jody had brought along a ton of hairdressing accessories for Papito’s Barber school on Barber’s alley. They had become friends last visit and Jody had promised to help.

He also handed over his valuable private scissors to Papito, one pair will be part of the Barber’s monument and he was very touched when receiving the award from Papito. Handing over his scissors was a very emotional moment for Jody.

It was a memorable 5 days together and we all look forward to repeat the experience next year !

Anthony : We missed having you on board, brother !



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