Cuba 2016 – Paladar 7 Dias in Miramar

13 Mar

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Might be because I am an Aquarian, but I love seafood in all forms and
I am particularly fond of octopus, so where better to find it than in Cuba where it has transformed into a signature starter in most restaurants if available.

I still fondly remember the first and by far best octopus experience I had in Havana at La Moraleja paladar 6-7 years ago.
I was so impressed by the taste, the texture, the unique preparation that I had to walk into the kitchen and compliment the chef.

That is how I met Ernesto, then chef at La Moraleja and had many stellar meals there before the place went downhill in quality, uphill in prices and pretension, Ernesto and other staff left and I stopped going there.

Have missed that octopus preparation for some five years now and have kept looking for it. Never thought I would found it – or Ernesto ever again.

Fast forward to this February.

Alex a Cuban friend sharing my love for good food and octopus, takes me to a newly opened place by the sea in Miramar, 7 Dias.
Nothing fancy, large open terrace, open grill, a/c dining room, nice to be outside by the sea, quiet and nice place.

We sit down, order beverages and the Pulpo al pesto and enjoy the view.

Before the beverages arrive the waitress is back and tells me : Your name is Nino and you like Pulpo, don’t you ?
I reply : You hit the jackpot my love, can you also tell me this week’s lottery numbers ?
She smiles and tells me the chef’s name is Ernesto and he has looked out the kitchen’s window, seen the back of my head and guessed right.

I can’t believe it !

I have found a great chef and person again and he is back into his Pulpo love affair.

We embrace, talk, he tells me where he’s been cooking and we exchange phone numbers – don’t want to lose this extraordinary chef again, happy camper !!

I’d come back frequently to 7 Dias this trip, bring gourmets, foreign friends, local friends – all would be happy with the place and satisfied with the food.

The grilled Pulpo al pesto is exactly as I remember it in texture and taste, the shrimp stuffed peppers are fantastic, the peaches topped with tuna something extravagantly tasty, the Langostinos are finger-licking good and the fish filet with a shrimp ragout delicious. Also : the grilled sandwiches are a good and yummy alternative to El Rejoneo/Tic Tac.

The service is attentive, the decor minimal but eye-pleasing, the view and sea breeze an antidote to the city’s pollution, menu is small and fresh, prices are very reasonable, so : all-in-all the place is a winner in my book.

Located on Primera Ave. btw 14 & 16 Streets., close to the Karl Marx theatre.

Highly recommended !


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