Civilized Flying To Bangkok

12 Jan


nfc capAdmittedly, I would have preferred the B-747, but sitting in the Lufthansa A-340-600’s first class on the way to Bangkok, and sipping a glass of “D” de Devaux vintage champagne waiting for dinner to be served I reflect on how civilized travel can be if you approach it right.

So, instead of driving the car to the airport we took the van service, as we always do when staying away longer or flying together – no need to drive. Door to terminal service.

Seats had been chosen at on-line Check-In and boarding passes had already been issued, so just dropping the bags and proceed to Lufthansa’s brand new terminal for the “fat birds” – that is the A-380’s, 747’s and large Airbuses that mostly take off to Asia and South Africa/America late at night.

Terminal is pleasantly large so no crowded feeling. Passport and security control are quick and efficient – and civilized as well, as the friendly sec agent offered me a free BIC lighter when they emptied my torch cigar lighter “so I could carry it on board”. OK, so 3 weeks ago I could take it with me to HKG and today they object to the “blue flame” – being so friendly and considerate, I had to thank the guy.

Time to kill before boarding – no problem. Up to the spacious Lounge and enjoyed a stiff G&T while Inge had a glass of champagne and then moved myself to the smoking lounge inside the lounge and relaxed while smoking a Siglo II. A well spent hour and then a short walk to the Gate and boarding.

Welcomed on board with champagne and nice First Class presents like a piyama and a beautiful toilet kit by Rimowa you feel the stress literally drop out the aircraft and out the door.

And I feel how stressed out I am and how mentally exhausted the last weeks and my HKG trip have been.

Not the time spent there but the serious long sessions held with the good MRN – typically lasting 10 to 12 hours and full of intellectual ping pong, technical details, best champagne and great food.

Then the redacting of the posts on the second edition and the public exchange about them that got somewhat off course and required more energy.

Disaster ? No, the way things go sometimes, and when s##t happens, it happens mostly twice a day.

No apology. This flight is sweet reward.

By now dinner is over, all excellent and fresh– and all champagne except for a 2005 Cht. Belgrave for the main course and a dessert.

The most efficient and friendly crew is making our beds with real mattresses and feather down blankets. It will be almost 6 hrs of sleep out of the 10 total and tomorrow Adison, my friend’s Rik’s driver we have enjoyed in earlier travels to Thailand will be waiting to take us to The Chatrium by the river, one of Bangkok’s new hotels that has been awarded prizes for 2 years in a row being only 4 years old.

We have an appointment with grandma Khuan who runs a traditional “dirty spoon” on Silom Road, real down home street Thai food – what more can you ask for and how civilized is this ??


One Response to “Civilized Flying To Bangkok”

  1. Keith 14/01/2013 at 07:28 #

    Nino, looks like you and Inge had a lovely trip. Hopefully it recharged your batteries and gives things a fresh start moving forward.

    Cheers, and best wishes as always my friend.