Cigars, Secret Knights, Fish And Retaliation – Gracias Rico

23 Oct

nfc capMy good buddy Rico from Texas always keeps me informed on his latest adventures in the world of chillies, peppers and fishing down by the Texas Riviera.

I always keep him envious of my trips to Havana and smoking in the pharmacy.

We hope we can get together and smoke cigars either in Texas, Havana or here – but as long as I cannot hop on a plane from Austin or DFW to Havana there is slim chance I’ll try his chilli seafood …

Today he has surprised me by sending a CARE package for my upcoming Cuba trip. I truly love the gesture and will carry the cigar case and wear the cap proudly.

Only appropriate to have it enjoy the Havana cigar spots and factories with me as Rick cannot.

The Secret Knights of La Habana is an Austin, TX, cigar society that just celebrated its 10-th anniversary.

Retribution followed swiftly with a same-same cigar case that I received at the Festival introduction of the Montecristo Open line in Havana a few years back and some custom rolled sticks from my lockers.

I am posting the Encuentro de Amigos de Partagas November programme just in case someone feels he should be there.

Thanks for the fish, Rico !!


2 Responses to “Cigars, Secret Knights, Fish And Retaliation – Gracias Rico”

  1. Arnold Serafin 28/10/2014 at 21:14 #

    our friend certainly is the Supreme Knight of fishing and cigars in Texas!! great article, I am jealous though- no secret Knights of Habana baseball cap for me!! LOL

    • Nino Munoz 28/10/2014 at 21:30 #

      Yes, he is, Arnold,

      our king of fishing and good cigars, el señor Rico Suave himself … 🙂

      I’ll send you the cap after my Havana trip.

      Saludos hermano / Nino