Cigars Into My Sixties

16 Feb


nfc capNothing fancy, just a regular gathering of our cigar friends at the pharmacy with more than usual attending being a Friday.

Only difference were some cigars I offered to my friends, all banded by myself with the last of the old Flying Cigar bands ( I had some natural gum left from Havana and am quite skilled now banding cigars ) and a few bottles of Mulata 7 that I passed around to celebrate my 60-th birthday at midnight on the 16-th.

Loved the dessert I had from my wife, a leftover from Valentine’s day : Sticky rice with Mango and pistachios and specially the chocolate “Montecristo” cake that Heiko brought over from Switzerland – Yummy !

What can I say – I sure get older as the hang-over from the cigar party lasts longer …

We celebrated hard as usual – and all I got was a lousy T-shirt … 🙂

Thanks to Michael for taking most of the pictures last night that you see below.

Update : And for the post in his blog as well, see

And thanks to all my buddies !

With some more friends like Marc and Adrian also having birthday this week, we’ll celebrate some more in warmer climate next week in Havana.

Not that it will be more fun than the pharmacy – but it will be outside for sure.



6 Responses to “Cigars Into My Sixties”

  1. Keith Dejaegher 17/02/2013 at 01:18 #


    Cheers and happy birthday, my friend. I’ve been away for a bit again over the last few weeks, but glad to see that you’re still taking life in stride, and enjoying your regular pharmacy get-togethers. Wish I could join you gents in Havana for this month’s Festival, but alas, I won’t see you and Foxy and Ayala and the rest of the crew again until November’s trip.

    I was looking through some of your recent posts, and loved some of your updates. Gino/Mr. Japan – always a generous soul (he has helped Frank and Art and I get some good EL’s recently). And I love your new bands (I got outbid on the customs you sent us for the MegaHerf II last year, the ones with the older bands).

    Again, just glad to see your updates, Nino, and looking forward to sharing laughs, food, drink, cigars, and good times again. Happy birthday, cheers, God bless, and best wishes, my friend.


    • Nino Munoz 17/02/2013 at 09:28 #

      Hi Keith,

      thank you for taking the time to send me your kind message !

      Think about joining Gino and me here for a pharmacy cigar gathering in mid August …:-)

      Best regards and see you again in November ! / Nino

  2. Arild 19/02/2013 at 02:34 #

    Nino, congratulations with your 60`th birthday! You certainly celebrated in style:-)

    Best wishes from Arild and Ida

  3. Nino Munoz 16/02/2013 at 19:00 #

    Hallo Michael,
    herzlichen Dank für die Fotos und den Post auf Deinem Blog !

    Lieben Gruss / Nino

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  1. TGIF-ANS « michaelsblubberblog - 16/02/2013

    […] Ninos 60. Geburtstag, […]

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