2010/05 – ANS – A Nightly Shave

24 May


ans another close shave 0510 02
Gabriel gets the billiard ball cut – Photo by Michael “Turner”
ans another close shave 0510 03
Round Ball – Photo by Michael “Turner”
ans another close shave 0510 01
Andreas checks the cut – Photo by Michael “Turner”
ans another close shave 0510 04
Gabriel says Thanks

May 2010

We don’t have many bizarre rituals at the pharmacy, not really. Except for our funny way of toasting :

Vertragen wir uns wieder ? Ja, aber der Hass bleibt !

Other than that we are quite a sociable bunch.

Just that once in a while the “spirit” level gets higher than normal and we do funny things.

Like eating big pans of scrambled eggs and potatoes from Café Fritz next door, or drink funny stuff …… or someone gets a very close head shave late at night.

Like Gabriel last Friday.

It was another cigar meeting at the pharmacy, this being a week-end attended by friends from south and central Germany who stayed overnight.

With Andreas birthday coming up next week, he already received some presents, among them a huge specially rolled custom Reynaldo cigar.

As usual, Ralf from Stuttgart put some interesting boxes on the table for all to taste.

Andy, the Irish pub owner dropped by with some interesting liquor I won’t publicly name – see the pics – and was bold enough to finish off a Reynaldo custom rolled cigar through lung inhalation despite warnings – alcohol does make you courageous …….. look at the shave.

All in all, another Another Night of Smoking or was it Another Nightly Shave – No, we did smoke more than we shaved.

Fun it was for sure.


ans another close shave 0510 05
Andreas having a quiet moment before the guests arrive


ans another close shave 0510 06
Now, that is a custom rolled stick
ans another close shave 0510 07
A Reynaldo custom rolled from Walter for Andreas upcoming birthday
ans another close shave 0510 08
Bernhard & Rolf getting down to the bubbly business
ans another close shave 0510 09
Alex – another pool ball cut
ans another close shave 0510 10
The gang outside thinking up new mischief – Gabriel still unaware


ans another close shave 0510 11
Royal Selection by Ralf
ans another close shave 0510 12
With some age on them
ans another close shave 0510 13
The Punch division
ans another close shave 0510 14
Also aged
ans another close shave 0510 15
Polski Brew


ans another close shave 0510 16
Cooling the pan
ans another close shave 0510 17
Big Hans – Big Pan
ans another close shave 0510 18
Albert getting his ration
ans another close shave 0510 19
Astrid digging in
ans another close shave 0510 20
Andreas getting his dessert


ans another close shave 0510 21
Kitchen Duty Party
ans another close shave 0510 22
ans another close shave 0510 23
Ralf & Michael “Turner”
ans another close shave 0510 24
Inside the Aquarium
ans another close shave 0510 25
Andy inhaling a Reynaldo down to his toes


ans another close shave 0510 26
The liquor that gives the courage to inhale
ans another close shave 0510 27
Big Hans coolly exhaling
ans another close shave 0510 28
Michael keeping record
ans another close shave 0510 29
Inside The Aquarium – Photo by Michael “Turner”
ans another close shave 0510 30
I’m outta here – Photo by Michael “Turner”
Copyright Nino

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