2012/06 – Custom Rolled Taboada Corona

16 Jun

taboada corona 0612 02
Taboada Corona


June 2012

Lazy afternoon in the village.

Good lunch of wok cooked spicy beef noodles by my wife and then off to my Cafe.

Took a 2010 Taboada Corona custom rolled with me to enjoy.

And enjoy I did !

Fantastic construction was to be expected – it comes from the hands of a legendary roller, formerly at the old La Corona factory next to the Museo de la Revolucion, now retired.

Solid cigar. After cutting the pre-draw showed some resistance, but the actual draw
was picture perfect. I’ve had fantastic experiences with such custom rolled cigars that appear to be solid like a rock and provide a perfect smoking experience.

Talk about pictures – I wish I had taken my camera along to take some pics of the straight
razor burn and the very, very solid firm ash.

I didn’t want to feel stupid taking pics of a cigar in my Cafe …

I only ashed 3 times, more out of habit as the ash was firm enough and would have
remained standing to the very end.

Although the aroma was a bit subdued ( big room, would have been better in an enclosed
ambience ), the flavours were excellent. Peppery, honest Cuban tobacco, roasted nuances. Wish I could better describe the mouthful of rich, creamy tobacco taste.

Pairing was cafe con leche and an old-fashioned German Brandy : Asbach Uralt which was
perfect being so mild and peachy tasting.

The cigar gave me not just about 1h20 of great smoking pleasure but also a good &
pleasant 2 hr buzz.

Now – why don’t I do this more often ??

Luxury problem, I guess.

Most of my custom rolled cigars are larger sizes and require substantially more time.

Good that I started bringing more smaller sized cigars from my last visits.

Thank you for the experience, Reid !!


taboada corona 0612 01
Taboada Corona 2010


Copyright Nino


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