Tag Archives: vintage cigars

A Highly Recommended Cigar Auction Site – Bond Roberts

4 May

A few years ago in Havana, November 2018, I was invited to a private lunch with Rob Fox of JJ Fox & Andy Ryan and during the long and excellent Italian meal, smoking vintage Partagas Stratford House and fresh PL Coronas RE, at Sergio’s in Miramar they detailed a plan they had along with Rob Read more…

Picking Up The Cabs – A Visit To MRN In Hong Kong

29 Dec

I had two nice Cabs waiting for me in Hong Kong and if that was not incentive enough for a trip there, my friend Javi was also flying there for a quick business trip …. Javi and I have shared a few trips to Havana and the fun they entail so what better than having Read more…

The Big ANS Summer Meeting – By John Bongo

16 Aug

Being from Scotland, where you’re not allowed to smoke inside, the lack of decent facilities where you can smoke a cigar in relative comfort and warmth outside makes enjoying a cigar an almost impossible task. So, imagine the surprise and disbelief on my friends faces when I told them I was going to a cigar Read more…

Min Ron Nee Visit – September 2016 Hong Kong – Part Three

23 Sep

The last three days of our visit were quiet and relaxed, we missed J & T but we did a “copy ‘n paste” of last year’s trip experiences. We would have late breakfast, go to TST for iced tea and cigars at the Sheraton LCDH, have a good foot massage and do the tourist stuff Read more…

Min Ron Nee Visit – September 2016 Hong Kong – Part Two

22 Sep

The third day I wanted to show a bit of Hong Kong to both Frank and J. & T., the latter first time visitors to HK. Frank had wanted to visit Victoria Peak last trip but we didn’t made it then as the weather was too hazy. This time it was perfect blue skies. So Read more…

Min Ron Nee Visit – September 2016 Hong Kong – Part One

21 Sep

Basically this was a happy and exact “copy & paste” to our last year’s trip. Frank drove down early so we could have a few good cigars and a light lunch in my village. It was hot, hot enough to sweat in the terrace when we had some coffee and another cigar making time. A Read more…

Min Ron Nee – Monte A And Magnum Of Champagne In The Lommel Sahara

26 Aug

Frank and I like to keep our promises. Last year in Hong Kong, our generous host Min Ron Nee was so gracious as to present us with a Magnum of 1996 Dom Ruinart and threw in some Monte A sticks from the early 80’s that we had been smoking with him at Cigar Divan. Frank Read more…