Tag Archives: La Corona

Havana May 2016 – Visiting La Corona Factory

18 Jun

During this trip we had the chance to visit La Corona factory and given the opportunity to have an hour long exchange with many interesting facts and background with Osmar, the former director of this factory who is preparing himself for a job rotation where he will be the HSA representative in Germany. I believe Read more…

Andy’s Punch Supremo ER Suiza Tasting

20 Dec

Last month in Havana, Andreas Stachl from Casa La Corona in Rapperswil and Uster was kind enough to invite me to a tasting event he organized at the La Guarida terrace. We had met both at Hector Luis, the beach and about town and it was a very kind invitation that I gladly accepted, the Read more…

Visiting A Cigar Factory In Havana

10 Dec

Along with some Brazilian friends interested in cigars that we had met at the Partagas cigar lounge we dropped by La Corona factory and were granted a tour through its extensive rolling halls ( galeras ) and sorting/banding/boxing rooms. La Corona is actually one of the best factories to visit as it offers all cigar Read more…

Office Cigars In Havana

19 Dec

  While in Havana we were fortunate to drop by some of the most important factories regularly and share time, cafecitos and cigars with the directors. A very relaxed time and the chance to shoot the breeze on all topics. Just as relaxed as smoking the morning cigar with Yannick after breakfast in the patio Read more…

Visiting La Corona

3 Dec

  With Partagas and H.Upmann factories closed and EL undergoing an external audit, it was hard to visit any factories in Havana. Through a good friend I was able to arrange for a visit of La Corona at a moments notice for our group. Particularly happy to greet good friends there such as Inalvis and Read more…

2011/11 – Havana : Visit to La Corona

29 Nov

  La Corona Nov. 2011 All cigar factories were/are closed to visitors, so it was even more enjoyable to be able to visit some of the best, La Corona and El Laguito. See James Suckling’s take on factory visits being discontinued : www.jamessuckling.com/my-blog-visits-to-cigar-factories-over.html Here some impressions of our visit to La Corona, where I met Read more…

2006/02 – Zigarrenfabriken/Cigar Factories

6 Aug

  Bernhard, Thomas “Stocki” und ich sind gestern, 02 März 2006, vom VIII Festival del Habano in Havanna zurück gekehrt. Wir haben sechs sehr schöne und beindruckende Tage dort verbracht, alte Freunde getroffen und neue Freunde gemacht.  Hier vorab einige Fotos unserer Reise zur Zigarre. Das Copyright aller folgenden Fotos liegt bei Thomas Stockinger und Read more…