Tag Archives: Cayo Jutias

Cayo Jutias with Rob Ayala and friends

9 Dec

  We left Havana early morning, but not before the Australian team stocked up on enough wine to keep us supplied for a week. The drive was long, it took us almost 4 hrs with just a break for beer before reaching Pinar del Rio and then from there a long and winding beautiful mountain Read more…

Cigars, Pigs, Rum, Beach, Lobsters – more Rum & more cigars. A Visit to Hector Luis Prieto and Cayo Jutias Beach – Updated with photographs.

1 Dec

Back in Havana from a trip to the Vuelta Abajo with Toby, Jose Antonio, Renzo and a group of US friends of Toby. Spent a glorious half day at Hector Luis’ Vega, smoking the very best Cuban tobacco expertly rolled on site by his Tabaquero Miguel and enjoying a first class long Cuban lunch of Read more…