Visiting Hector Luis And A Great Harvest

9 Jun

Already during my last visit in March to Hector Luis’ farm most of the tobacco harvest was in the curing barns.

Some was still left to grow and show the tour groups when we visited him in May but surprisingly we were the only visitors except for another small group which gave us the chance to take it all in in a very relaxed way.

Even the Barrigonas coffee stop shortly before Pinar del Rio was quite empty and we managed to get a map of the new Ruta del Tabaco with all 7 Vegas mentioned plus the Despalillo and the F. Donatien factory in Pinar.

This year’s harvest certainly is a good one and we should see it in cigars coming to the market by 2020.

It was good meeting up with Hector Luis again and shoot the breeze with him over a good farm rolled cigar after a long and tasty lunch at his farm.



One Response to “Visiting Hector Luis And A Great Harvest”

  1. clinton roos 24/07/2017 at 17:02 #

    Hi Nino ,thanks for sharing. Major changes at the finca since the FOH visit Nov.2014.