Prelude to the Summer Pharmacy cigar meeting

16 Aug


nfc cap

For 4 days we had good fun, good food, good beverages, good friends and … oh right, we also smoked cigars.

Gino & Anna arrived here this morning from Rome – we had coffee & cigars by the Rhine river after pick-up at the airport, long lunch at Vollrads castle, more cigars, and are now in the village before dinner at Herve’s and more cigars – Looking forward to a great Pharmacy Cigar Weekend !!

Finishing off the day one “prelude” to the big ANS cigar herf tomorrow – long steak dinner at Herve’s Alsatian restaurant in the village, good cigars, great ginger eau de vie and lots of fun with Anna, Gino and Andreas.


3 Responses to “Prelude to the Summer Pharmacy cigar meeting”

  1. Arild 17/08/2013 at 15:32 #

    Wonderful times Nino and Gino! Wish you all a great weekend and pharmacy smoke.

    • Nino Munoz 18/08/2013 at 01:17 #

      Thank you Arild !!

      Truly a wonderful cigar week-end with good friends enjoyed in great spirit.

      Will post more on Monday …. every day is exceptional.


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