Off To Havana

7 Nov


Bags are packed, all is ready to go.

Off to Havana early tomorrow for a few weeks of sun, cigars and friends.

While there, I’ll meet the group of Canadian friends attending the Encuentro de Amigos de Partagas and we have planned some interesting events like a visit to the factories, to humidor artist Jose Ernesto Aguilera, to the farms with lunch at Hector Luis Prieto, a vintage cigar tasting with Rob Fox and many more attractive things to do.

Personally I look forward to show Havana & Cuba to Hans and Andreas, to meet old friends and to new experiences – like visiting the small Cantonese/Chinese community in Havana.

This highly interesting and very touching documentary  plus additional information provided by Mr Pok Chi Lau, the author, was the stepping stone of my interest ….


3 Responses to “Off To Havana”

  1. Frank 07/11/2013 at 12:27 #

    Nino, Hans und Andreas,

    Geniesse es und sicheren Flug.

  2. Michel 08/11/2013 at 10:33 #

    Enjoy your trip Nino and, please, send my greetings to Frank (Bundwallah) and Art.


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  1. ANS – Wortspiele und schweinische Witze | michaelsblubberblog - 16/11/2013

    […] hatte ja sogar bereits eine Woche vor dem Termin eine Panikattacke als Nino in seinem Blog sich in Richtung Kuba verabschiedete, da unser aller Lieblingsapotheker ja auch an dieser Reise teilnimmt. Glücklicherweise stellte […]