Havana – Hole In The Wall 3 – El Litoral

28 Mar


nfc capWhere else can you sit by the Malecon and enjoy great food and service with the added bonus that you will be disconnected in the true sense of the word ?

Your mobile will not work here, right in the centre of Havana, as the place is located in a nice old house that happens to be neighbouring the US Interest Section, so with all the electronic clutter and signal interference from the nearby Cuban listening posts, you better switch it off.

Which we did, but more because the place is worth your full attention.

A very smart, well designed cool place with a/c interior rooms and, best of all, a large, non-a/c covered patio and terrace where you can lunch, dine and smoke.

I visited El Litoral several times and always enjoyed the Tapas and Cuban food plus fantastic octopus and other fresh seafood delicacies like Malanga fried Camarones and more.

They also have a lunch buffet, which I didn’t try.

One of the Tapas that caught my attention was the “Cojonudos” – never seen that on a menu.

Turned out to be Serrano ham on a fresh olive oiled baguette with quail eggs on top.

Now – why do they call that “Cojonudos” ??

Because in Cuba quail eggs are considered something akin to Viagra …

Nice to know, very tasty too and at 3,50 cookies a steal.

The octopus came in a portion so large I only had one piece and took the rest “a la Cubana” in a styropor container for friends to munch on.

Hannes and I had a very good dinner and excellent Lanceros with Cuban friends here, and during the Festival you can see the elite of the cigar world having lunch and a bottle of Bollinger with the press … sorry Rob, Frank and I were not spying on you !!

Highly recommended place.




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