Happy Days With Niki – Leuven With Frank

26 Sep

Niki had asked me what he and his friends should see and do in Brussels – I told him very honestly : Get out of there, Belgium has nicer cities than that … 🙂

So on the day before their departure back to Taiwan, after visiting Ghent and Bruges they took the train from Brussels to Leuven where Frank and I were waiting for them at a Cafe across the main station.

I had arrived the day before at Silentium B&B, my favourite spot to relax near Leuven and enjoy the peace and quiet of the countryside ( and the good Trappist beers ) there.

So next day, after a good breakfast and a cigar with Frank, we set out to Leuven and greeted our friends with coffee and cigars before setting out to see the old  and beautiful, non-touristy university city, walking its nice historic lanes and stopping for some very good Trappist beers and more cigars plus a nice John DeCosta coin from me to Frank to celebrate the “good old days” in Havana … 🙂

We then went for a long local lunch of Mussels and Frites and good conversations.

A walk in the rain back to the Cafe and more cigars plus some excellent Santero 11 yr old Cuban rum that I still had from my birthday last year.

Great day – only sad moment was to bid farewell to this great group of friends as they would leave next day on their long trip back to Taiwan.

But I am sure we will all meet again – in Europe, Hong Kong, Havana or Taichung.

Frank had taken the day off so we went back to the B&B to finish the Santero bottle with an excellent 109 – our ritual way to end a good day.

Frank – thanks for the city tour !

Niki and friends – Thanks for the visit, see you again !


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