Cuba Nov-Dec. 2016 – Picture Gallery

7 Dec

nfc cap

Just back from another interesting trip to Cuba.

Very happy to meet old friends and make new ones, to smoke great cigars and share them with good people, to assist good friends in their travel plans and have a good trip myself.

I wish all the friends who wrote to me saying how fortunate I was being there during the “historical event” would have been there themselves to get a nine day long Fidel Castro overdose on all channels and no places to go to due to the mourning period ….

Well, to be honest, it wasn’t that bad and I had a very good time once again.

I will post in detail on new and interesting places in Havana as well as some of my trip experiences in the coming days.

For now, here is a picture gallery.


One Response to “Cuba Nov-Dec. 2016 – Picture Gallery”

  1. LUCAS ROTELLI RAULINO 12/12/2016 at 05:53 #

    Nice pictures, congratulations