Cuba 2016 – Visiting Hector Luis Prieto

17 Mar

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Every time I am in Cuba, a visit to Hector Luis’ farm and lunch there with his family and staff is a must-do and much awaited event for me.

He had just collected most of this year’s harvest, and a good one it was he told me. 120.000 plants, half shade and half sun grown. Initially he had some problems with rain washing out the seeds and replanting had to be done, but in the end the crop was good and he is happy.

But the climate change is making him consider planting several week later and he has set up a test field to see how that might work out.

I met Ute and Patty at Hector Luis, they came down from ViƱales to spend half a day at the farm and were kind enough to donate a ton of clothing for the staff as well as school supplies for the village school.

I was to meet Hector again a few times in Havana, always happy to see him and catch up.

More days will be spent at his farm soon and I look forward to that.


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