ANS 2014 – A Great Cigar Weekend, Again..

26 Aug


nfc capHow can I add anything new on a legendary & classic cigar gathering that’s been around for over a decade and attracts cigar smokers from all over the world due to its relaxed, fun and  “all-are-welcome atmosphere” ??

Words would be superfluous.

‘Nuff said.

So here is a collage of pictures that tell the story of the latest cigar gathering we celebrated in the Wörrstadt pharmacy on a Friday. Meeting friends at Schloss Vollrads, smoking at the Irish village pub, the cigar dinner on Saturday after touring the area golf courses and the brunch on Sunday at Herve’s.

Sure, we shared fantastic cigars, but the most important thing we shared was friendship, good conversations, information and laughter.

I’d like to thank my Belgian & Dutch friends for coming over and share this event with us once again as well as all other new friends who found their way to our village.



2 Responses to “ANS 2014 – A Great Cigar Weekend, Again..”

  1. Keith 21/09/2014 at 04:37 #

    LOL!!!! What’s with the Tommy gun??

  2. Jeremy 22/09/2014 at 04:00 #

    Sincerest thanks once more, Nino! Amazing to see the smiles in every single picture! And the cigars involved, too.

    Thanks for a brilliant set up and. Amazing time had by all involved. That’s for damn sure!!