2010/07 – World Cup Cigars – Small Trinidad Big Drama – Uruguay vs Ghana

3 Jul


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Short, fat, chubby, expensive & very tasty lil’ bugger

Trinidad Short Robusto T – Small Cigar Big Drama

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High Drama – Diego Forlan

Uruguay vs Ghana

I’ve been asked on Rob Ayala’s “Friends of Habanos” board what I thought of some of the cigars I’ve smoked during this World Cup.

I must say it is not very smart to smoke a good or very good cigar during the match – you just don’t concentrate on it. You bite your nails, cheer a team, bite your cigar or just forget about it. No good. Better after the match to savour a victory.

I’ve smoked basically decent custom rolled Cañonazos or smaller stuff like Bolivar Petit Coronas or RyJ Mille Fleurs or such.

The most memorable cigar was the Pancho Cuba double Robusto custom rolled for the ESP-CHI match. What a dream.

The other night I smoked a Hoyo de Monterrey Diadema for the ESP-POR match. That cigar was from the LCdH at the Melia Cohiba in Havana.

It was good, not overwhelming, a good cigar. See, the match was more important …….

Now Uruguay is playing Ghana in Joburg with Ghana leading one nil after a fantastic long shot.

At the blow of the whistle for the second half I light up a Trinidad Short Robusto T EL 2010 – a little fat chubby and expensive ( at 16 € a pop ) bugger.

It is still very hot, over 30 C so I sit in the terrace and listen to the game on tv.

I want to celebrate Holland‘s victory over Brazil earlier today. What a great second half with the Dutch dominating and then crushing the Brazilians. It hurt to see them so powerless and beaten.

Dunga is out, the experiment in Prussian disciplined playing has failed. Hope Samba will be back.

But back to the cigar.

Delicious looking, dark wrapper, very solid construction, lovely pig tail. Short and fat. 10 cm’s only. But very well packed.

Grassy and aromatic cold draw.

Potent start, powerful first draws before it settles down. Thereafter very smooth and tasty to the palate. Round ( as we say in German ) meaning full & well tasting. Smooth running.

Only eight minutes after lighting it I am in the living room, the equalizer by a good kick by Diego Forlan.

My wife gives the cigar a few puffs and is smitten, yummy, very good, great taste she exclaims. I don’t tell her the price to avoid discussions and concentrate on the smoking. She goes back to the tv.

The Trinidad SR EL gives me great smoking pleasure, perfect example of a young cigar being immediately smoke-ready. Nothing young here, smooth but in your face.

Some little touch ups after 35 minutes and soon it’s time to take off the EL band as otherwise I’d smoke it too.
Too much band on this little cigar.

Solid white ash and straight burn. Never too hot.Good but not much depth in 2/3.

First ash falls after 50 minutes as Uruguay and Ghana go into extra time.

Still rich and creamy after 1hr and 15 minutes as I leave it on the ashtray and go inside to watch the unfolding drama of the very last minute in the match.

Uruguay narrowly avoids defeat by “handling” the ball out the goal box, poor Asamoah Gyan fails the penalty and then Uruguay wins the penalty shoot out.

Ghana, the last African team in the World Cup and a clear winner is out.

Small Cigar – Big Drama.

We will see what happens tomorrow between Argentina and Germany ……..

Big Cigar – Small Drama ??


wcc - trinidad short robusto t 0710 02
If you own a Prince torch lighter you’ll guess the size
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Trinidad Short Robusto T
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Trinidad Short Robusto T
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Trinidad Short Robusto T
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Trinidad Short Robusto T


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Trinidad Very Short Robusto T
Copyright Nino

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