2010/06 – World Cup Cigars – Portmann 1 Spain 0

16 Jun


world cup - portmann 1 spain 0 0610 01
Portmann 40 and PL Valiosos ER Suiza
Good cigars to enjoy in any defeat

June 2010

Viejo proverbio futbolistico Español : Jugaron como nunca y …… perdieron como siempre.

Alte Spanische Fussballweisheit : Sie spielten wie nie – und verloren wie immer.

Old Spanish soccer proverb : They played like never  and lost like always.

At least the cigars gave me some consolation ¡!

Congratulations to the Swiss team ( and specially to Mr Urs Portmann, a passionate football fan himself ) for being the better team !

And now I’m off to drown my sorrow at tonight’s pharmacy smoke.


world cup - portmann 1 spain 0 0610 02
Andy and a nice cigar
world cup - portmann 1 spain 0 0610 03
Hoping before kick off
world cup - portmann 1 spain 0 0610 04
Menos belleza y mas goles por favor !
world cup - portmann 1 spain 0 0610 05
Andy suffering, hoping and smoking with me
Copyright Nino


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