2010/06 – World Cup Cigars – Arrivederci Campioni Azzurri – Adieu Les Bleus

25 Jun


image-102797-galleryV9-wpgq reuters
Arrivederci – See you in 4 years
Foto : Reuters

Arrivederci Campioni Azzurri – Adieu les Bleus
June 2010

Very sorry to see the reigning champions, Italy, leave the fight for the Cup.

They will be back soon – so : Arrivederci campioni azzurri !

As for the other “ex-champions” in a darker blue – here’s the news in French :


The translation in English :


Most disgraceful and tasteless was Domenechs’s refusal to shake hands with his South African counterpart Perreira after the defeat – and his refusal to answer for that refusal at the press conference – no balls.

I would not shake hands with any of the above
Photo & Photomontage : L’Equipe

The Irish sure put some effective Voodoo curse on this sorry joke of a street gang.


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