2010/06 – ANS World Cup Cigars – Spain vs Portugal

30 Jun


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Another missed goal ….
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Gearing up with Sagres beer

Spain vs Portugal 29 Jun 2010

Once again, the Spanish team has made me suffer – the first 10 minutes were superb, in the second half they should have led by 2 or 3 goals, but still, as I see it, they wanted to “foot deliver” the ball “gift wrapped” into Portugal’s box.

But they played well and scored. Paraguay is next. We’ll see what happens Saturday, I see Argentina advancing.

We enjoyed the match in the pharmacy’s courtyard to Portuguese Sagres beer – and the cigars were not bad either, Tatuajes, HdM Diadema and Trinidad EL 2010 Short Robusto Piggy tails ( expensive at 16 € apiece ) …….

PS : We have received a “World Cup” selection of International beers that we will “review” in July to some good cigars – 3 bottles of beer from all the participating countries ….. well, the seriously brewing ones.

We started the meeting celebrating Manfred “Mannix” birthday with two big Magnums of bubbly and a HdM Cabinet.

Jorge, the official Pepin Garcia/Tatuaje impoter received a good stick from my “Alan’s Tatuaje box” – he was impressed.

We then had a quick dinner before the game finally started and I was all eyes on the screen, along with Alfred, Andreas father and Luise, Andreas daughter – roaring for Spain.

But, again, it was suffering in high style.

Another Night of fine Smoking !


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Happy B’day Mannix !
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Passing the bubbly
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Tatuaje expert Jorge
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Toothless Lion
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Viva la Furia Roja


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Andreas teasing the bull
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Great start of the match
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Draining the Sagres
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Time for the bigger guns
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Alfred & Luise cheering on


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Half time cigars – no sausages today
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Chubby lil’ piggy tailed high priced buggers
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Finally a goal
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Gotta celebrate with the fans
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Simpathy for Portugal


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Andreas with 2 losers and a good beer
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Bernhard & Andreas with a load of World Cup beers
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World Cup Beers
Copyright Nino


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