Tag Archives: Rheingau

Vancouver, Havana, Wörrstadt – David & Debbie in Germany

7 Sep

My good friends David & Debbie from Vancouver visited Europe and decided to spend a few ( too short … ) days with me. Great idea as I had not seen them for over a year when we last spent time together in Havana, where David has been a few times and twice with me. Read more…

2009/08 – UPS – Day Four

26 Aug

  UPS – United (Nations) Pharmacy Smoke Day Four Pushing the Bus at Kloster Eberbach 22 August 2009 It was the end of their vacation and regretfully Gino & Anna had to return to Naples – sadly missed by all. Grazie – vi riingraziamo per la vostra presenza e visita con noi ! Inge took Read more…