To All Subscribers Of My Blog

23 May

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As you may have noticed, I installed a Subscriber plug-in into my blog recently.

Regrettably, that plug-in led to a hack of my blog and caused ads and banners to pop up in recent days.

My blog has always been ad-free and will remain so in the future.

I have therefore removed the Subscriber plug-in, so no further mails will be sent to inform you of new posts – you will have to check in periodically to see them as in the past.

May apologies for any inconvenience.



2 Responses to “To All Subscribers Of My Blog”

  1. Oliver 24/05/2015 at 04:07 #

    It’s always a pleasure to visit your site, Nino.
    No need to “e-mail reminders”. We will always be around.


    • Nino Munoz 25/05/2015 at 11:44 #

      Oliver, muito obrigado !

      I’d rather have you click in to check than have uncontrolled ads and banners pop up 🙂

      Um abraco / Nino