Paladar Otramanera – A Rare Gem In Havana

7 Jul

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Couldn’t have found a better story for my 1.000-th blog post !

If there’s one thing I regret about this cozy, intimate and high quality paladar is that I didn’t visit it earlier during my trip and had more meals there.

An outstanding little new place in Miramar, around the corner from the Casa de la Musica there, hidden in a residential area and most exquisitely furnished.

We arrived to find all two tables in the patio occupied ( the only drawback to me. I’d wish they had more tables outside, inside is a/c and no-smoking ) but found space at the bar until a table was ready for us.

First impression was : Top service, very reserved and professional, makes you feel welcome in a fine, laid-back atmosphere. Very decent low volume quality music that makes you relax and day-dream. No hurry, no worry ambience, a place to spend time in and enjoy peaceful surroundings.

Much attention is paid to detail, both in the decoration, the service, even the bathrooms are exquisite and a pleasure to visit – a rare thing in Cuba.

The cuisine is market oriented and changes seasonally, the menu small, which I like as it shows that all plates and ingredients are fresh.

I had my favourite octopus salad which I loved, well spiced with pimenton, fine texture, perfect. The cheviche was equally excellent and among the best in Havana. The home made lemonade refreshing and natural.

On my second visit I had Yannick along, a true gourmand and we had all of the above plus lobster slices with Mango. Delicious ! What a treat.

We also went for the desserts and while the Arroz con leche a la grandma was good, the Borrachita de Piña Colda was absolutely the best idea on a hot day, cold, tasty, yummy !

I highly recommend this paladar. A true oasis in a gastronomically deserted place.

We will frequent the place and all I can hope is that it maintains the high standards and quality we have encountered, a difficult thing to do in Cuba.

Paladar Otramanera is open Tuesday to Saturday 1230 to 3 pm and 7 to 11 pm.

Reservation recommended.

Calle 35 entre 20 y 41, Playa.

Tel.: 7 203 8315




2 Responses to “Paladar Otramanera – A Rare Gem In Havana”

  1. Gino 08/07/2015 at 00:42 #

    Tio, what bat price?

    BAT —-mispelling … About price ? if it is expensive or not comparing to other good restaurants.

    • Nino Munoz 08/07/2015 at 16:59 #

      Sobrino Gino,

      no, it is not, considering its quality I’d say it’s low priced.
      See the pictures of the menu with the prices …

      I am sure you will love it !

      Saludos / Nino