Havana May 2016 – Midnight Boxing, Smoking & Dancing

22 Jun

nfc cap

Having been unsuccessful in going to open air club El Sauce for some good live music and some dancing it being closed and Gato Tuerto being a/c and indoors, we decided it was finally time for some music action.

Alex, a Cuban friend of ours, proudly told me he had managed to reserve a table at the Hotel Inglaterra’s rooftop terrace where a “great band” was playing that night … hmm, never heard before that Hotels provided genuine Cuban music, but why not try it.

It was as I feared it would be – Jose, Jan and I arrived ahead of Alex & our Canadian friends to find the rooftop terrace empty except for some tourists listening to a horrendous crap band playing  fake/tired/old/loud and bad “Cuban” music for tourists. One beer, some pictures from the terrace ( only bonus point for Alex ) and I was aching to leave.

Besides – nobody knew about a table having been reserved, and really, they couldn’t care less …

It was while taking the rooftop shots that I knew where I could find a real spot with real music and real Cubans – just across the Parque Central, two minutes walking, at the Bar Monserrate, a popular drinking spot for the Aussies, the Irish and every other misfit creature visiting Havana. Good enough for me.

Jan and I walked over leaving Jose behind to inform David & the others who soon arrived and loved the joint.

It was fun from the get-go.

The band was superb and played genuine music, the atmosphere was brilliant, foreigners few, Cubatas and Mojitos were loaded ( we’d leave a 3-digit amount in cookies ) and we had prime seats. What more can you ask for …

Noticing a guy giving seriously superb boxing classes I had to go outside and try a few moves with him. Turns out he was a member of the Cuban national boxing team and won a few medals …

I invited him and the guys he was practising with inside to join us ( had to take his cheap “chispa” rum bottle away first as the Bar would not allow it ) and bought a few rounds for the team.

Great conversation on boxing and great dancing as well – plus laughter, tears, cigars, fun, music and moving hips all ’round. Helluva fun time !

And here’s the video to prove it.

Glorious night until the small hours of the morning !






















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