2009/11 – Strictly Juan Lopez Nr 2 – By Portmann Cigars

30 Nov


portmann 1109 jl nr 2 a
Portmann Cigars
portmann 1109 jl nr 2 b
With Mr Portmann choosing JL Nr 2
portmann 1109 jl nr 2 c

November 2009

Mr Portmann, my trusted cigar merchant and good friend was having a “special” November sale on JL Nr 2, so I drove to Switzerland with some friends and purchased several boxes of this yummy cigar.

See also my report on that visit : “The Perfect Portmann Weekend”

Not only had Mr Portmann still some 35-40 boxes for us to chose from, but also 12 with the RTO code that had been recommended.
I must admit that RTO does not sound too nice for air crew, as it means : Rejected Take Off in air lingo, but, hey, they sure look, feel and smell so tasty that I don’t see anything but a perfect flight for these babies in a few years time ( they are RTO MAY 2007 ).


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Juan Lopez Nr 2
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Juan Lopez Nr 2 at Portmann’s
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Juan Lopez Nr 2
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Juan Lopez Nr 2, Mr Portmann
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Juan Lopez Nr 2 & Mr Portmann


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Juan Lopez Nr 2 & Gabriel
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Juan Lopez Nr 2
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Juan Lopez Nr 2
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Juan Lopez Nr 2
Copyright Nino



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