2009/03 – Desde Cuba – Generacion Y Blog

31 Mar


Yoani Sanchez
Free Internet – Cuba

March 2009

On a return flight from Korea a few months ago I came across an article in Time magazine about a blog by a young Cuban, Ms Yoani Sanchez, who has recently been awarded a literary prize in Spain and was denied permission by Cuban authorities to leave the island to pick it up.

I have become an ardent follower of her blog and consider it to be excellent, her writing elegant and funny, in getting an idea of everyday life, problems and changes in Cuban society and how the young perceive it.

The blog also has German and English translations, which makes it even more interesting.

From Time :

Yoani Sanchez is 32, trained as a philologist but denied a career as her dissertation was deemed too critical.

She makes a living working in Havana’s tourist industry. She posts her pieces from Internet cafes posing as a tourist.

Her subjects have included the shortage of lemons, the turgid proceedings of the Cuban parliament and the slowness of meaningful reforms by the new leader.”

It was high time I linked this great Blogger !!

Best 25 Blogs – Time/CNN

Here’s the link :

In English :


Ein sehr interessanter und Preisgekrönter Blog von Yoani Sanchez, einer jungen Kubanerin – von Time Magazine letztes Jahr ausgezeichnet und Trägerin eines Spanischen Literaturpreises der Zeitung El Pais – Ihre Ausreise um den Preis entgegen zu nehmen wurde ihr von den Behörden verweigert.

Auf Deutsch :


Un Blog muy interesante de una joven Cubana, Yoani Sanchez, sobre la realidad en su pais – premiado el pasado año como uno de los Blogs mas importantes tanto por Time Magazine como por El Pais. Le fue denegada por las autoridades su salida de Cuba para aceptar el Premio en Madrid.

premio ortega_gasset1_
Premio Ortega y Gasset de Periodismo Digital 2008

En Español :



Copyright Nino

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