2009/02 – Smoking in the Office

8 Feb


smoking in the office 09 febr 01
Cigars & dogs in the pharmacy
smoking in the office 09 febr 02
H.Upmann Magnum 46 Jar & Akilah
smoking in the office 09 febr 03
Smoking in the office


Februar 2009

Ein schöner Abend in der Apotheke  wie in alten Zeiten –  rauchen im Büro mit einigen Kumpels.

A nice evening in the pharmacy like in the old times – smoking in the office with a few good buddies.

smoking in the office 09 febr 04
Andreas & Magnum 46 Jar
smoking in the office 09 febr 05
Livin’ well
smoking in the office 09 febr 06
Michael “Turner”
smoking in the office 09 febr 07
Michael “Turner”
smoking in the office 09 febr 08
Bernhard & frisches Lardo


 smoking in the office 09 febr 09
Lotte & Akilah
smoking in the office 09 febr 10
Having Fun
smoking in the office 09 febr 11
Nino Smoking Stereo
smoking in the office 09 febr 12
Michael & Andreas having even more fun
smoking in the office 09 febr 13
Sit and watch


smoking in the office 09 febr 14
Jump and get
smoking in the office 09 febr 15
Lotte wants a puff of the cigar


Copyright Nino


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